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Imran Khan has said that the Army and the Government have to accept that they won the Election,

imran khan

Islamabad (Every day Pakistan Online) PTI originator Imran Khan has said that the armed force and the government have to acknowledge that they won the race, some time recently that there will be no compromise with them.According to the Day by day Jang, the author of the PTI said in reaction to questions sent by a remote news office that “there will be no compromise with the armed force and the government until they acknowledge that their party has won the election.

Terming it as silly not to have great relations with the armed force, the PTI originator said that due to Pakistan’s topographical position and the imperative part of the armed force in the private division, it would be silly not to have great relations with the armed force.

Expressing pride in the warriors and the equipped strengths, the PTI originator said he was prepared for any discourse with the armed force. Anything feedback was made after the evacuation of control was on identities, not on the armed force as an institution.The author of PTI said that if the military authority made any miscount, it ought to not be faulted on the armed force as an institution.

The author of PTI, who has charged the Joined together States of ousting his government in the past, said he had no resentment against the Joined together States.

He said he was prepared for talks with the army if free and reasonable elections were held and sham cases against him were dropped.

Imran Khan said that the army and the government will have to comply.

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