“Rahe E Junoon,” is all set to grace our television screens. The drama is written by Rehana Aftab and director by Syed Ahmed Kamran Sahib and Momina Durad. In the drama, Saba Faisal plays the role of Danish Taimoor’s mother. This drama is shot in the Northern Areas. This drama should be shown on Hum TV. Ga Danish Mor will be seen as Shabreez and Komal will be seen as Meher in the drama.
New Pakistani Drama Rahe E Junoon Story Cast, And Release Date
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A Unique Storyline:
“Rahe E Junoon” is already generating curiosity with its mysterious storyline penned by Rehana Aftab, promising viewers a fresh narrative that stands out in the world of Pakistani dramas. Under the skilled direction of Syed Ahmed Kamran Sahib and Momina Durad.
Saba Faisal as Danish Taimoor’s Mother:
The seasoned actress Saba Faisal will be taking on a pivotal role as Danish Taimoor’s mother in the drama, adding depth and emotion to the storyline.
Character Lineup:
The talented cast of “Rahe E Junoon” includes:
- Danish Taimoor as Shabreez
- Komal Meer as Mir Mehr
- Hiba Ali
- Zain Afzal
- Saba Faisal
- Noor ul Hassan
Shooting Location: Northern Areas Scenic Beauty
“Rahe E Junoon” has been beautifully shot against the breathtaking backdrop of Northern Areas, adding to the visual appeal of the drama. The picturesque landscapes of this region are expected to lend a unique charm to the narrative.
Release Date
Fans can mark their calendars for November 2023, as “Rahe E Junoon” is all set to make its debut on HUM TV.
Lead Characters
Danish Taimoor will be seen as Shabreez, while Komal Meer will take on the role of Mir Mehr, promising a stellar performance.
Behind the Scenes
“Rahe E Junoon” is penned by the talented Rehana Aftab and directed by the dynamic duo of Syed Ahmed Kamran Sahib and Momina Durad. The drama is set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Northern Areas, promising a visual treat for viewers.
The Stellar Cast
The drama features a stellar cast that includes Danish Taimoor, Komal Meer, Hiba Ali, Zain Afzal, Saba Faisal, and Noor ul Hassan. Notably, this drama marks the first collaboration between Danish Taimoor and Komal Meer, adding an extra layer of excitement to the mix.
November Release Decision
Subh Faisal has said in a video that we will not launch this drama in October because the World Cup is happening in October, then the ratings of our drama may decrease, so we will release this drama in November.
FAQs | Rahe E Junoon-Teaser 01
Who are the lead actors in the drama “Rahe E Junoon”?
Danish Taimoor plays the role of Shabreez, and Komal Meer portrays Mir Mehr in the drama.
Who is the director and writer of “Rahe E Junoon”?
The drama is directed by Syed Ahmed Kamran Sahib and Momina Durad, and it is written by Rehana Aftab.
Can you tell us about the supporting cast of “Rahe E Junoon”?
The talented supporting cast includes Hiba Ali, Zain Afzal, Saba Faisal, and Noor ul Hassan.
Where was “Rahe E Junoon” filmed?
The drama was shot in the picturesque Northern Areas, providing a stunning backdrop to the storyline.
Why was the release of “Rahe E Junoon” delayed?
The drama’s release was postponed to November due to the ICC Cricket World Cup happening in October. The production team wanted to ensure that the drama’s viewership ratings are not affected by the World Cup distractions.
Which TV channel will broadcast “Rahe E Junoon”?
“Rahe E Junoon” is expected to be aired on Hum TV.
When is the expected release date for “Rahe E Junoon”?
The drama is now scheduled to be released in November, as confirmed by Saba Faisal, to avoid clashing with the ICC Cricket World Cup happening in October.
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